Google’s Project Starline is a magic mirror to bring 3D video chatting to life

2 min readMay 19, 2021


The vast majority of us have imagined a future in which we can see 3D pictures of individuals. You know, where you hit the catch and the one you like shows up in your front room?

During Google I/O 2021, we understood that maybe the fantasy about seeing a model for our friends and family in person was nearer than we might suspect.

Google’s Project Starline tries to empower you to show a daily existence size 3D model of a relative or companion when speaking with them, along these lines improving individual collaboration and recreating the experience you get when talking up close and personal.

Google’s Project Starline

To use Project Starline, clients sit at a nearly vanity-like work area since it is encircled by lights and has a mirror-like window before the client. At the point when the client and visitor argue and forward, it would seem that the individual on the opposite end is really finding a spot at the table.

Notwithstanding, it is actually a virtual portrayal made by lights and compacted information. Google portrays the experience you get from utilizing Project Starline as though you “glance through some sort of wizardry window, and through that window, you see someone else in life-size and 3D. You can normally talk, gesture, and visually connect.”

The motivation behind why it’s so hard to make a daily existence like a model like this is that it requires a lot of information, registering power, camera progressions, and precision. Google is utilizing research in territories like AI, ongoing pressure, and spatial sound to make this conceivable.

The inquiry goliath additionally fostered a light field framework that permits you to see volume and profundity in a picture without the requirement for glasses or another expansion gadget like a headset.

As of this moment, you can’t buy a gadget that uses the innovation, as it’s just accessible in a couple of Google’s workplaces and it requires custom gear. Be that as it may, after some time, Google needs to make it more reasonable to the overall population.

We’ll look for Project Starline innovation, and we’ll update you as often as possible on any new advancements later on. For the time being, we’ll simply need to keep video visiting, however, we’re eager to perceive what happens to Project Starline.

Originally published at on May 19, 2021.




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